
Starting signal for the ClimateRally: Together for a more sustainable future

May 15, 2023
min reading time

ClimateRally 2023

Dear climate activists and friends of sustainability,

we are pleased to announce the start of our nationwide ClimateRally! From 11.09. to 08.10.2023 we have the ambitious goal to fight climate change together with municipalities from all over Germany and to save 200 tons of CO2 within only four weeks.

2zero launches ClimateRally for all German municipalities

The ClimateRally is more than just an action - it is a movement. It is a call to all municipalities in Germany to actively engage in climate protection and make sustainable decisions. With the 2zero app, we make it easy for all participating municipalities to do their part.

Our campaign appeals to all municipalities - from small communities to large cities. And the best part? The effort for the participating municipalities is minimal. 2zero takes care of most of the organization. We provide the platform, the challenges and the marketing materials. And we make sure that each municipality's efforts are visible throughout Germany.

Our goal: save 200 tons of CO2!

The 2zero KlimaRallye team starts a nationwide action against climate change and calls on all communities in Germany to participate!

Over a period of 4 weeks, we would like to reduce 200 tons of CO2 together with all participants throughout Germany. In concrete terms, this means that if we turn 1% of Germans into climate protectors, each person will save 23 kg ofCO2 in 4 weeks - that's 1,800 crossings of Germany by car and 200 tons in 4 weeks!

Here's a little taste of what communities will get as part of the ClimateRally:

  • A separate group in the 2zero KlimaRallye
  • Communication plan and marketing materials
  • Germany-wide attention for climate protection efforts
  • Ready prepared content for the 4 action weeks in the app
  • Access to the communication platform with all other participating municipalities
  • An evaluation dashboard with all statistics

Fighting climate change together

Together, we can make a difference and make a positive contribution to climate protection. It is time for us to take responsibility and pave the way to a more sustainable future.

We cordially invite all climate protection managers to register their municipalities and become part of this exciting journey. For more information please visit our website.

Together, let's set an example and prove that we are capable of fighting climate change at the local level.

Here's to a successful KlimaRally!

The 2zero ClimateRally Team

Climate protection with 2zero

We offer solutions and services for municipalities with the goal of jointly reducing CO2. Find out more and get in touch with us!

The 2zero app committed to sustainability