Become part of the 2zero community

From start-ups to global corporations - with the 2zero app you connect your employees and promote a strong sense of unity in the commitment to sustainability in the workplace

Together against climate change

The 2zero 2023 track record

Footprints icon


Companies have carried out a sustainability campaign with 2zero

Community icon


of employees took part in the campaigns on average

icon challenge


Challenges completed by 2zero app users in total

2zero in 10 minutes

Take a look at our appearance at the ALH Sustainability Day and find out how 2zero works in 10 minutes.

What other
Sustainability Managers say

"We used 2zero to make our in-house environmental awareness campaign fun. There were suitable challenges for every employee. So it was not only effective on the information level, but above all fun to deal with environmental issues"

Selma Anton

Performance Manager at Bipso GmbH

"For us as a company, 2zero brings exactly what we wanted it to - the realization that everyone can do something for climate protection within the company."

Simon Westermair

Community Manager of Wolf GmbH

"The Klimathon has shown us: The 2zero app simplifies the approach and illustrates how much CO2 was saved together. Definitely recommended for other municipalities!"

Fabian Humpert

Climate protection manager of the city of Verl

"We promoted the 2zero app intensively on social media in advance using the materials provided and were able to get a great turnout."

Laura Düpre

Climate protection manager of Bad Homburg

"The diversity of content of climate-friendly behavioral measures makes the 2zero app an innovative climate protection tool for behavioral climate protection."

Andreas Oeding

Managing Director of the Flensburg Climate Pact

Erfahrungsbericht der F.A.Z. Business Media: 60% Beteiligung für Nachhaltigkeit

Erfahrungsbericht der F.A.Z. Business Media: 60% Beteiligung für Nachhaltigkeit

Erfahren wie der Business Klimathon bei F.A.Z. Business Media ablief und mit 60% Beteiligung beeindruckende Erfolge erzielte!

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
50% Engagement und 50 Tonnen CO2: Der Klimathon der Sparkasse Neunkirchen

50% Engagement und 50 Tonnen CO2: Der Klimathon der Sparkasse Neunkirchen

Find out how Sparkasse Neunkirchen successfully organized a climathon in which half of its workforce implemented sustainable practices at work, at home and in mobility.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Erfolg bei Garage DU: Erster Platz mit unserem Partner GEBAG

Erfolg bei Garage DU: Erster Platz mit unserem Partner GEBAG

Wir haben den Startup Wettbewerb "Garage DU" gemeinsam mit unserem Partner GEBAG gewonnen und durften den Award in der Kategorie „Impact Local“ mit nach Hause nehmen!

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

seen and heard in...

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The 2zero app engages people to act together to protect the climate

What our app users say

Evaluation from app-internal survey with over 80 submissions

Do you continue to integrate the challenges into your daily routine?
7 from 10
Users continue to reduce CO2
Would you participate in another 2zero initiative?
8 from 10
Users would like to continue using 2zero
Would you recommend 2zero to other communities?
9 from 10
Users recommend the Klimathon

Are you interested?

Book a non-binding meeting and get an individual overview of 2zero and our solutions for you!

Book a no obligation 2zero Demo Meeting