2zero App Mockup

We turn you into sustainability experts with the 2zero app

Playfully discover how you can live more resource-consciously in your everyday life and avoid CO2 emissions

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Playfully towards sustainability

We inspire people in a playful way with the 2zero app and support you with exciting content and useful insights

2zero Tracking App Mockups

Set goals

Discover how your lifestyle affects your CO2 emissions with our CO2 calculator and consumption tracking

2zero Reduce App Mockups

Reduce footprint

Experience our playful challenges to learn a more sustainable lifestyle at home and on the go

2zero Rewards App Mockups

Celebrate successes

Competitions and exclusive rewards from our sustainability partners make your efforts doubly worthwhile

Set goals

Chat icon

Environmentally conscious tracking

Track your footprint & travel routes, compare CO2 emissions and discover potential savings

Calculation icon

Calculate your impact on the environment

You can calculate your personal footprint with our CO2 calculator

Footprints icon

Scientific content

Our CO2 calculator is based on scientific principles, developed in collaboration with the renowned Fraunhofer Institute

2zero App Set goals

Reduce footprint

Star Icon

Engagement through fun

Our comprehensive challenge catalog motivates you to make more sustainable decisions in your everyday life

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Incentives through climate points

Collect climate points for completed challenges and earn rewards

Study Icon

Focus on climate protection

Our weekly focus topics in the challenges raise awareness and expand your wealth of knowledge

Reduce 2zero app

Celebrate successes

Star Icon

Rewards for completed challenges

Climate points can be redeemed for attractive discounts with our sustainability partners

Points alt icon

Team Up

Teams compete in an exciting competition for climate points and their commitment

Study Icon

Connecting together

Exciting competitions and content create a real sense of togetherness in the community

2zero app successes
2zero App Set goalsReduce 2zero app2zero app successes

Try out our app!

Convince yourself of our app, download it and test all the possibilities by joining our test community 2zero

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2zero App Mockup

Do you have any questions?

Book a non-binding meeting and get an individual overview of 2zero and our solutions for you!

Comprehensive climate protection with 2zero