Become part of the Climate Rally
Die KlimaRallye 2024

Vom 09.09. bis 06.10.24 läuft wieder unsere große Klimaschutz-Challenge für deutsche Kommunen.

The sustainability app for municipalities and companies

With the 2zero app, we motivate your citizens and employees to work towards your sustainability goals. With our prepared campaigns, you are ready to go at any time. For you, this means - little effort, big impact!

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The sustainability app for municipalities and companies

With the 2zero app, we motivate your citizens and employees to work towards your sustainability goals. With our prepared campaigns, you are ready to go at any time. For you, this means - little effort, big impact!

2zero Header Image

How 2zero works

Want to know how 2zero works? Watch our video to find out how you can use our tools to set up a unique sustainability campaign.

Neue Aktion: KlimaRallye 2024!

Kommunen und Klimaschutzmanager aufgepasst: Die KlimaRallye ist unsere voll vorbereitete Aktion für Kommunen um vom 09.09. bis 06.10. die Bürger*innen zu Klimaschutz-Challenges zu motivieren! Jetzt anmelden und gemeinsam handeln!

The 2zero app engages people to act together to protect the climate

What our customers say about us

"For us as a company, 2zero brings exactly what we wanted it to - the realization that everyone can do something for climate protection within the company."

Simon Westermair

Community Manager of Wolf GmbH

The Klimathon offers us as a municipality a great opportunity to get in touch with different target groups. The content is very informative and clear.

Lisa Macheleidt

Climate protection manager of the state capital Kiel

"The climate rally was a very entertaining way to integrate climate protection into everyday life and was able to sensitize young people in particular to the topic."

Sem Schade

Climate protection manager of the city of Wendlingen am Neckar

"The diversity of content of climate-friendly behavioral measures makes the 2zero app an innovative climate protection tool for behavioral climate protection."

Andreas Oeding

Managing Director of the Flensburg Climate Pact

"The Klimathon has shown us: The 2zero app simplifies the approach and illustrates how much CO2 was saved together. Definitely recommended for other municipalities!"

Fabian Humpert

Climate protection manager of the city of Verl

"We promoted the 2zero app intensively on social media in advance using the materials provided and were able to get a great turnout."

Laura Düpre

Climate protection manager of Bad Homburg

"We used 2zero to make our in-house environmental awareness campaign fun. There were suitable challenges for every employee. So it was not only effective on the information level, but above all fun to deal with environmental issues"

Selma Anton

Performance Manager at Bipso GmbH

Illustration Joy Face
Logo consumer center

»2zero ist eine der bislang vielversprechendsten Klimaschutz-Apps für Kommunen und Unternehmen. Verspielt, witzig und dabei wissenschaftlich fundiert werden hier klimafreundliche Maßnahmen mit Mehrwert für Mensch und Umwelt vermittelt. Auf den Smartphones in unserer Testredaktion hat 2Zero jedenfalls einen festen Platz.«


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Customized solutions for municipalities and companies

With our customized solutions, you get the right challenges for your target group

For municipalities

Discover with 2zero how you can get your citizens excited about regional climate protection and community involvement.

For companies

Discover with 2zero how you can promote a culture of sustainability and strengthen your employees' identification with your company.

The advantages with 2zero

We inspire the participants in a playful way with the 2zero app and provide the management with all the important materials and content

For you as management

For your participants

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Full support

From application to evaluation - 2zero provides you with the right materials at every stage

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Hardly any effort

Our campaigns are fully prepared and ready for use. So you don't have to create the content yourself

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Scientific content

Our challenges & the CO2 calculator come from a joint research project with:

Uni Kassel LogoWuppertal Institute LogoFraunhofer Institute Logo
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All about sustainability

Our challenges, ClimateGoodNews and quizzes provide participants with exciting information every day

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Playful motivation

Collect climate points & receive sustainable rewards - this is how we inspire even the biggest climate haters

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Understanding your own impact

CO2 calculator, concrete CO2 savings & mobility tracking show how you can improve

We have the right products for your challenges

42-Day Klimathon

The 42-day Climateathon offers exciting challenges in different areas of life. Participants get involved in their community for a more sustainable everyday life and learn how to avoid CO₂ emissions. For their efforts, users collect climate points, take part in competitions and also receive great rewards.

2zero Klimathon

Annual plan

With the 2zero annual plan, you can turn the app into your official sustainability platform. Build a long-term community and keep your target group up to date with your own news and guides. In addition, your community automatically participates in all 2zero initiatives, so that participants receive tips and tricks for more sustainability all year round.

2zero initiatives annual plan

Your dream campaign

We would be happy to work with you to create your completely customized sustainability campaign. The time period, focus and challenges can be flexibly designed so that you can perfectly reflect your specific ideas with 2zero

2zero Management Own tools

In 3 steps to the 2zero campaign

First, we work together to determine your specific needs and preferences. Based on this, we create a customized offer that is perfectly tailored to you.

We implement your community in the app, prepare all the important access points for the management portal and create the marketing materials you require

After about 14 days you will have all the important access points and can communicate the campaign to your participants using the materials provided

Are you interested in a product?

Send us a contact request or book a personal meeting and get an individual overview of 2zero and our solutions!

2zero commitment