
Sustainable Christmas gifts

December 13, 2022
min reading time

Sustainable Christmas gifts

Slowly, it's high time to prepare for December 24 and the giving of presents. And it's even more urgent when you're looking for Christmas gifts for your employees! The best thing is to design them sustainably - as an excellent example of sustainability in the company!

We also see more and more often that families, especially with older children, decide not to give anything as a gift. This is, of course, the most sustainable option. If this is an option for you, talk it over with your family!

But we can also fully understand if giving presents is simply part of the Christmas season for you. That's why we're giving you a few tips on how you can give sustainably. The most important thing is to give only what you are sure the recipient will need, will find a useful purpose for it, and will definitely be happy about it. In this way, you avoid wasting unnecessary resources.

Sustainable and meaningful gifts are the name of the game!

Here are a few ideas:

  • Time for joint activities
  • Things you need anyway, but sustainable (e.g. sustainable detergent from everdrop)
  • homemade vegan cookies
  • a tree sponsorship
  • vegan/self-made oilcloths - ideally these are not made of beeswax - they serve as a substitute for cling film
  • reusable baking paper or a permanent baking mat to avoid baking paper and the associated waste
  • homemade spice blends for chai latte or similar.
  • Hand soap/hair soap to avoid plastic
  • a voucher for Good buy
  • fair, vegan chocolate may not be missing at Christmas time of course also
  • a voucher for the organic/unpacked food store next door
  • a (self-written) Christmas poem
  • a donation for a good cause
  • a (self-written) Christmas story
  • Sustainability tips e.g. self-written on scratch paper/sustainable paper as small lots in an old jam jar
  • a reference to a digital gift, e.g. a link to a photo collage/video with shared memories
  • a houseplant for the apartment
  • an animal sponsorship with a wild animal, e.g. via the WWF - your contribution will then go towards the preservation of biodiversity.

We hope you found inspiration!

The 2zero team wishes you a wonderful pre-Christmas season!

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